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Syringe Access:  The Time Is Now!

FACT:  Sharing injection equipment is a route of HIV transmission.

"Drug-Associated HIV Transmission Continues in the United States" 

FACT:  Sharing injection equipment is a route of Hepatitis B and C transmission.

"Viral Hepatitis and Injection Drug Users"  

FACT:  Access to clean injection equipment continues to be a major obstacle for many individuals who inject drugs.

FACT:  Sharing injection equipment contributes to the spread of HIV and Viral Hepatitis far beyond the circle of the primary injector.  Sex partners and children born to mothers who are infected are also at risk.

FACT:  Access to clean injection equipment can greatly reduce (if not eliminate) the sharing of contaminated equipment and thereby break the chain of HIV and Viral Hepatitis transmission.

FACT:  Access to clean injection equipment continues to be a major obstacle for many individuals who inject drugs.


Drug use is part of our reality. 

Drug use is complex.  Law, rhetoric, and failure to address drug use honestly and with the reduction of drug-related harm in mind leave most individuals who need access to clean injection equipment - especially sterile syringes - without the means to do so.

Syringe access is just one of many practical strategies referred to as harm reduction.  It is our goal to provide a "jumping-off point" for connection with people, issues, organizations, and information regarding safer injection, particularly syringe access.

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